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Peek-a-boo Wall and la Fiesta...  new


P1000516b.JPG (89373 bytes)What is interesting is to watch people as they approach this. Adults tend to stop and ask, "What is it?" Now kids ...they know what to do. They need no name. Their instints and fun factor kicks in and they walk/run through it letting the tails brush past their face. If there are several kids, they will chase each other. Sometimes they create their own games. 

"The idea came to me as I watched kids play in our big, tall MEGA banners. They run weaving amongst the banners touching them with their hands. Some love ot run through the banners letting them sweep across their faces. So I turned the banner horizontal, made it tall enough for them to walk under and added strips for movement. The kids love it!" Carveth  

Each section is six feet high and six feet wide. Any number can be linked together. The fabric is SolarMax. One section sells for $60.

"Peek-a-boo is the name my granddaughter came up with. It was a totally new idea and I set it up in her backyard. I then took her out and asked her what it was. She looked for a minute, then ran through and called it a peek-a-boo. We played peek-a-boo chasing each other." Carveth

la Fiesta:

These are two foot by five foot banners on six foot poles. In these photos you see about four dozen. They are a wonderful playground for the kids ...and parents. They run through them. and like the mystery once inside but are not afraid for they can easily walk out. A huge smile lights up thier faces and laughter erupts all the way as they run, weaving in and out of the banners. Where did the name come from? Our four year old granddaughter tested the first set to see how kids would react. After about 30 minutes playing in it with her sister, I asked her what is it? She shouted, “Fiesta!”, for they feel the joy and fun as if it is a fiesta.

They cost $55 each, but I’ll make you a real bargain –-a dozen for $495 and I’ll throw in a $40 bag to carry them all.


Sometimes the kids will take friends on a tour.






They also make a great augmentation to the MEGA banners. They add scale, texture and variety.